
Friday, December 30, 2011


and its my birthday!
i'm officially 14 booyeahhhh!
look at these two booobs! im soooooo damn happy ehhh.
who has such good friends that know each other for 9 years.
damn grateful to have them with me! (:
113 people wished me happy birthday currently! happy :D
thanks guys for your wishes! ily alll.
thanks for the first who wish me happy birthday!
the nerd lenox lai teak yhean C:
i lafff you tooooooo! AS A FRIEND. :p
summer was the second hehehe. :p anyways thanks boob! you're the best :p
ah miao, regine, chiangkai, lenox and brandon!
thanks guys for texting me to wish me happy birthday! :D
ohhh yeah and brandon i know you're reading this.
you didn't beat lenox hahahahaha. but thanks anyway for wishing me happy bday the third time. :p
thats all haha. byeeeebyyeeeee! :D

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